If you need to uninstall the VSA X agent on your Windows machine, and the normal method fails, try this PS script: 

# Stop and disable the VSAX service
Stop-Service -Name “VSAX”
Set-Service -Name “VSAX” -StartupType Disabled

# Kill all instances of pcmontask.exe and pcmonitorsrv.exe
$pcmontaskPIDs = Get-Process -Name “pcmontask” | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Id
if ($pcmontaskPIDs) {
Stop-Process -Id $pcmontaskPIDs -Force
$pcmonitorsrvPIDs = Get-Process -Name “pcmonitorsrv” | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Id
if ($pcmonitorsrvPIDs) {
Stop-Process -Id $pcmonitorsrvPIDs -Force

# Uninstall VSA X using Windows Installer and remove registry keys
$result = gwmi win32_product -filter “Name LIKE ‘VSA X'” | select IdentifyingNumber
$a = $result.identifyingNumber
msiexec.exe /X $a /qn
Remove-Item -Path “HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Kaseya\PC Monitor” -Recurse
Write-Host “Uninstallation completed successfully”

# Delete scheduled task named VSA XServiceCheck
$TaskToDelete = “VSA XServiceCheck”

# create Task Scheduler COM object
$TS = New-Object -ComObject Schedule.Service

# connect to local task scheduler

# get tasks folder (in this case, the root of Task Scheduler Library)
$TaskFolder = $TS.GetFolder(“”)

# get tasks in folder
$Tasks = $TaskFolder.GetTasks(1)

# step through all tasks in the folder
foreach ($Task in $Tasks) {
if ($Task.Name -eq $TaskToDelete) {
Write-Host (“Task ” + $Task.Name + ” will be removed”)
$TaskFolder.DeleteTask($Task.Name, 0)

If, for some reason, the script does not work, try Microsoft’s Program Install and Uninstall Troubleshooter that can be found here . This should resolve this issue.