Monitor and Manage Bitdefender devices

So you’ve integrated GravityZone … 

Bitdefender’s integration comes with deployment scripts that are used in conjunction with your new module, but what about after that? Wouldn’t it be nice if you could see if Bitdefender was installed on those devices without having to open your GravityZone dashboard? 

There’s a quick setup you can use.  The cool thing about it is it makes a great example of how the pieces of Kaseya work together.

NOTE: The following setup is only as accurate as the last Audit that was run on the system.


Custom Field

Custom Field

Create a custom field that will be populated by our procedure: CF-BitdefenderStatus.
(CF=Custom Field)

[Audit –> View Individual Data –> Machine Summary]



Create a view to filter out what machines don’t yet have Bitdefender installed:

Enable Advanced Filters and enter “Installed” or “Missing” depending on what you want shown.


The procedure needed simply looks for a component of Bitdefender on the end-point machine:
The export of the procedure looks like this, and can be copied and pasted as shown. Save as “Bitdefender Install Status.xml” for importing to your VSA. (*until we find/have a suitable repository for file distribution)
Click to view:


Create a Policy based on the View above so you can schedule the Procedure for existing and new devices alike.

Schedule to get response “quicker” than your Latest Audit schedule to create a new listing of devices.


In this image you can see the schedule set that looks for the file on each device. EPAG.EXE is the End Point Agent for Bitdefender, and will be present after a successful installation.

Remember to Save and Apply your changes for the policy so that it will be able to be distributed.  If the Policy you’ve set is already Assigned to a group or devices, please “Allow the Scheduler to apply” the changes over a distribution window.

You can take this a step further by creating a 2nd View to use in the “Manage Agents” view.  This view would be for people who don’t create or apply policies, and thus shouldn’t be editing a view with a “Policy – xxxxx” name / prefix.  This is totally up to you, of course.

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