Agent Not Checking In?

Are the following running:

-AgentMon.exe process

-Services (Windows):

        Kaseya Agent Endpoint (This services controls Live Connect)

        Kaseya Agent. (This service controls the agent check-in to the dashboard)

If not, can you start them?

Is the time on the machine off?  

If the machine clock is off by more than a couple of minutes, this can cause the secure connection to the server to fail.

Don’t forget to check the Time Zone setting, also.  Just because the clock says 1pm, doesn’t mean it’s actually 1pm, if the timezone isn’t correct.

Adjust the time and restart the services.

Can the agent talk to the server? 

The agent needs to communicate with the VSA server on TCP/UDP port 5721.

If you’ve installed the agent, and verified the “agentmon.exe” process is running in the task manager, but the agent isn’t showing up in the VSA,

there is an easy fix. Install Telnet on the machine, if it isn’t already.


Open a command prompt and type the following, based on which server you are on:

MyRmm – telnet 5721

TT US01 – telnet 5721

TT US02 – telnet  5721

TT US03 –  telnet 5721

TT EU – telnet 5721

If you get a message that the connection was refused, you need to make sure TCP/UDP port 5721 is allowed OUTBOUND in the firewall.

A successful connection will just present a blank screen. Once you get a successful telnet connection, the agent will check in and show up in the VSA.


Pre High Sierra:

Open terminal and type: telnet server URL – see above) 5721

High Sierra or later

Open a terminal and type: nc -vz (server URL – see above) 5721

It should come back with Success!

If you get Connection Refused, then you need to open port 5721 OUTBOUND in the Firewall.  The agent needs to be able to connect to the K-Server on this port.