July 16, 2024 @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm America/New York Timezone

Navigate to the link below to register:


Register ahead of time – after registering, you’ll receive an email with your meeting link.

Kaseya VSA is a powerful tool that starts with a blank slate. Where do you start?
Navigation, terms, descriptions, and relationships within the console will be explained, with recommendations and suggestions for best use of the product. If you’re new to the product, or need a refresher, come get an explanation of our signature tool for your business.

Part I will familiarize you with your dashboard, how to populate it with configurations that are important to you, navigating the VSA, organizing your clients’ machines, installing agents, auditing, patching (software management) and Policy Management.


Note: Registration is required for each session. Navigate to the above link to register.  Please register early. If no one is registered at least 1 hour prior to the start of the session, the session will be cancelled.

If you have registered for class, please try to be on time. If no one has joined by 10 minutes past the start time, the meeting is ended, and you will need to register to attend the next class as your schedule allows.